
You can contact us using the following form or through the number which is here given.


SACEN S.r.l.
Viale Colli Aminei n.279
80131 Naples
Tel./fax (+39) 0817441813 – (+39) 0817413062


Informative according to the Legislative Decree of 30th June 2003 n° 196 of the new Code.
The personal data (name, surname, address, etc.) filled into the form which is given and the consent about the same data use, are necessary to contact you. We inform You that the data you give us; will be used only about the specific topic answering the request.

The treatment holder is: SACEN S.r.l. – Viale Colli Aminei n.279, 80131 Naples (Italia) – Tel./fax (+39) 0817441813 – (+39) 0817413062 you can contact them in any moment, to check your data use, the correction, the updating or the cancellation request of the data.